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Showing posts from May, 2020

Zero to One : A must read

 Reading great books can radically change the way you think. It helps you develop a better personality. And when it comes to great books, Peter Thiel's Zero to One is an essential read for any aspiring entrepreneur or anyone who wants to build their future. Peter Thiel was the co-founder and CEO of PayPal. The people he personally mentored and worked with went on to make billion-dollar companies such as Youtube and LinkedIn.  The book describes how to build a company that generates profits well into the future. To succeed, you need to build and maintain a monopoly. The book expresses everything in an entrepreneurial way but the ideas can be used by anyone who wants to build their future. “ The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won’t make a search engine. And the next Mark Zuckerberg won’t create a social network. If you are copying these guys, you aren’t learning from them. ” ― Peter Thiel ...

How Blockchain can transform India?

Blockchain is something that is going to change our lives in the next few years as the internet had changed in the past years. And if I were to ask myself back 2 years ago I would tell that it is some fancy technology that works for Bitcoin or something like that. Well I was not wrong but it was somewhat defining the internet as the technology behind google. First thing first: What is Blockchain? A Blockchain is a chain of 'blocks' that contains 'information'. Each block is unique and is linked to the previous block. It is a decentralized database that stores a registry of assets and transactions across a peer to peer network. In simple words, one can understand blockchain technology as a distributed ledger that is open for anyone. For example, whenever a transaction occurs it gets added as one more block in a chain of already existing transactions. And this added transaction has to be authenticated by everyone(nodes) over that one universal ledger that is prote...

Why are we so attached to our things?

Yesterday when I was checking for something in the closet I found out an old pen (there is an interesting story behind why it is my favorite ) and I know that even I will never use it I can't just throw it out. And it's not just me and you, most everyone experiences some sort of connection to their stuff.  Throughout evolution, humans have developed psychological behavior to form a connection with the things around them. When we personally own something our mind and body form a connection with it and this is what something called an Endowment Effect. You value something more once you own it. For example, you can see that children value their stuff more and are afraid to trade their stuff with any other thing even if they were identical.   Often times we think that our things are a part of ourselves. We believe that they have a unique essence. For example, most people like to wear their same favorite t-shirt or shoes because sub-consciously they belive them as a part...